Sunday, January 15, 2012

Don't Snort and Drive

I'm knee deep in my trauma rotation at the moment.  In the past two weeks, I have learned something very important about myself.

I am not a trauma surgeon.

I do not like bullet wounds.  I do not like stab wounds.  I do not like patients who get high and run their cars into trees/ culverts/ other cars/ log trucks/ pedestrians.  (In fact, I am now afraid to drive at all in this town because if my last Thursday is any indication, over half of all drivers are on their way to methadone clinic, high and on their way to methadone clinic, or just high.)

This explains why on my one of four days off this month, I have barricaded myself in my home with my dog, a six pack of Coke, and all of the seasons of How I Met Your Mother.  It's a safe place.