Monday, September 28, 2009

New phone

My new phone (whose parent company is not named Pear or Grape) is fantastic. I have the new phone because I managed to destroy four other phones since January, and I convinced DH that I would take extra good care of this one.


Truthfully, I am being extra careful with it. I even bought a super-heavy-duty-only-cockroaches-and-this-case-will-survive-a-nuclear-attack protective case for it. There are three layers of plastic. Two screen covers. A rubber cover encases the plastic covers. It's sand proof, dog proof, and oven and freezer resistant. Oh yeah.

Here's hoping it lasts more than a month.

1 comment:

  1. 4 phones? my god, are you mean to them?

    you're worse than my evil niece and nephew
