Saturday, May 16, 2009

Once upon a time, I was smart

Today I realized how much I have forgotten. I was organizing our books, of which there are too many, and listening to the radio. Old fashioned, I know, but my iPod was dead and the laptop was still living at our old apartment. It was a 'smarter than the DJ' portion of the show, and one of the questions was "What is the capital of Mississippi?" It took a minute, but I came up with Jackson.

On the trip to kickball, DH and I tried to come up with the capitals to all the other states.

Maine posed a problem. DH was convinced the capital was Banger. While I did not dispute that this was a city, I had personally never heard of it. I came up with Augusta, to which DH promptly replied, "That's in Georgia."

We bet on it. I hate betting. I never bet unless I am over 90 percent certain, and even then it makes me uneasy. Vegas is not my kind of town.

To settle the dispute, we called upon our official judge and resident know-it-all, Bradley "Hot Pants" McRoar. He has been arbitrating for us for ages. (He is also funny, smart, single, cute....and TOTALLY impartial.) I was right. This does not negate the fact I had trouble with New Mexico.

It also does not change the fact that I have forgotten more facts than I thought possible. I don't think I could do a simple integral anymore. I have only vague ideas about how to balance chemical equations. Art history is fuzzy, and most of my childhood is conjecture. I have replaced all of this with vascular supplies, innervation of muscles, normal lab values, medication dosages, and ventilator settings. I don't miss the organic chemistry knowledge. I am okay with not knowing the four types of speeches.

I do miss my eighth birthday though. I hear it was nice.

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