Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Corn freaks me out.

Not when you can buy it in canned, frozen, or cobbed form mind you. Not when it's tiny corn plants about knee high. Not at harvest time when the stalks are all golden and crisp. No, it freaks me out when it is growing in the field and is taller than me. I totally get why Stephen King wrote the children of the corn story.

Rows and rows of green stalks towering over my head and I can't see through more than three rows or so. I can hear the rustling and whispering of the wind in the leaves (or of the multiple serial killers out to get me that I am convinced are hiding four rows over just out of sight). If it's a very still day, I can hear the creaking and groaning of the corn growing. You shouldn't be able to hear a plant grow. That's creepy. Sometimes at night, I feel like the corn is watching me or something in the corn is watching me.

I know it's silly.....but I'm still sleeping with the doors barricaded.

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