Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I have many weaknesses. Fabulous shoes. Handsome men. Puppies. Couture. Some I indulge, some I avoid for the sake of my health and my bank account.

I have a distinct weakness for watermelon. Every summer, I buy the smallest largest seeded watermelon that I can find. Pop it in the fridge; let it get ice cold. Then comes my downfall. It happened again today.

I eat a slice and then one more. DH doesn't care for watermelon, and I can't let it to go to waste. So I have another slice....and another.

DH came home and found me passed out on the lawn in a patch of sunshine, watermelon rinds scattered around me. I'm sticky. I'm hot. My face is stained red. I'm clutching my very full, very swollen stomach. It hurts to move.

"I thought you said last year you weren't going to eat the whole watermelon in one sitting again," he says as he steps over the mess that is me.

I close my eyes.

It was totally worth it.


  1. you're going to get...uh..."not thin" eating all of that, you know that right? :)

  2. Fiber, water, and nothing else to eat all day....I think my waistline will survive.
