Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fleeing the country

I'm fleeing the country on Saturday.  Okay, so not technically fleeing, but leaving for a wee bit.

I've been blessed to be allowed to go to Haiti with a group providing sustainable medical care for those in the Port-au-Prince area.  I was able to use some of my vacation time to go and was given the full support of my department attendings.  I can not tell you all how wonderful it feels to finally be able to give more back after all the years I've been in school.  This is something that I'm passionate about and feel so very blessed to have the opportunity to do.

I am super excited.

I am super nervous.

I had to see the international travel clinic doctor to prepare for the trip.  I am quite aware that doctors in general make awful patients.  I am no exception.  I knew that I would have to get shots for this trip.  You guys, I hate needles.  Rumor has it that I once passed out getting my tuberculosis skin test.  This has never been confirmed as the only eye-witnesses mysteriously disappeared.  Despite this abhorrence of needles, I am now vaccinated against hepatitis and typhoid, have started my prophylaxis for malaria, and have prescriptions to treat cholera. (Haiti is a dangerous place, infectious disease-wise.)

I also went in to take my mandatory annual tuberculosis skin test.  Turns out that the typhoid vaccine is a live virus, and you can't take a TB skin test if you are taking a live virus.  Golly gee whiz, did that upset me.  Terrible news.  Guess the evil employee health nurse will have to wait 'til another day to torture me with her needles.  I really couldn't have planned this better.

** Image from wwwp.greenwichmeantime.com   I did not draw or create this map, and thank the owners very much for letting me borrow it.**

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