Friday, July 9, 2010

Pup, we're not in Kansas anymore

I am most definitely in the South again.

One might ask how I am so sure.

The local news I was watching a couple weeks ago is one sure sign that I have left the North far behind. Mixed in between news of robberies, murder, and kidnappings at the local mall was an interview with a man who called 911 because he saw Bigfoot in his backyard.

"He was just over there, and I saw him, and I got a big stick, and I shook it at him, and I said 'Get.  Get.'  And he get, went back down the path again."

This would never have made the news up North.  First off, if someone in the North saw Bigfoot they would never admit it to their friends and relatives, let alone to police and news crews.  Secondly, they are a stoic breed up there.  I've seen a farmer come in missing half of his arm and his only complaint was that it smarted a bit.  Bigfoot wouldn't be a blip in that guy's day.

The follow-up story was about a pie eating contest.

I most definitely missed living down here.

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