Monday, July 26, 2010

Tone paging

There are two kinds of paging at my hospital: tone paging and text paging.  Text paging gives you a few minutes to finish what you are doing before you attend to whatever emergency is trying to get your attention on your hip.  Tone paging gives you approximately 27 seconds to get to the closest phone and call back before the person on the other end of the line hangs up.  Tone paging is supposed to only be used for very important calls, and we can get called onto the carpet for not answering tone pages immediately.

The moment I had been dreading since I started residency happened yesterday while I was on call.

I had drank three huge glasses of sweet tea in a valiant attempt to stay awake without drinking Coke.

And I was tone paged.

While in the restroom.

To let me know that my patient had managed to pee.

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