Thursday, June 4, 2009

Peeping Tommy

I was in The Mall today with my brother-in-law acting as a personal shopper. I love shopping for other people. It's like playing dress up with live dolls. Maybe I should toss away this whole doctor thing and be a professional shopper.

I had to utilize the facilities thanks to an extra large water I drank at lunch. I left BIL at the Holiday gas station store in the mall and took myself off to the loo. I was minding my own business when a head popped under the stall door and a small hand waved at me.

"Hello," piped a tiny voice.

This demands a question. How old is too old to bring your child of the opposite gender into the restroom with you? I'm going to take a stand and say that eight or nine is too old. If the kid knows about the difference in body parts and can wipe his or her own tushy, he or she can pee alone. Time the kid if need be, guard both exits with flaming swords, give explicit instructions about strangers, but for goodness' sake don't let them run around the opposite gender restroom sticking their head under stalls while you are taking care of your own business. It is uncalled for and disconcerting for the other patrons.

It is so disconcerting that they might grab sunscreen out of their purse and spray it at the head poking under the door. The kid might scream and cry. The patron might refuse to apologize since he or she felt the head should have stayed on its own side of the door and that sunscreen was a defensive move. The parent might become upset and yell. The situation could deteriorate and end with an argument that on one side was loud with an excellent lexicon and on the other had poor logic and a pitiful excuse for a vocabulary. This could result in disdain for the inept arguer who would storm out of the restroom child in tow muttering about rude Southerners.

It could happen.

1 comment:

  1. My mom is sorry about those things she called you...
