Sunday, March 29, 2009

Beer is cheaper than water

Most of you know that I do not like beer. I have never cared for the taste or smell of it. Czech beer has changed my mind. There are multiple reasons for this. First, I am cheap. Beer is cheaper than water, Coke, juice, milk, and every other drink on the menu, so I drink beer.

There are several pubs where beer is all you can order to drink – sometimes only one kind of beer. The culture around beer drinking here is fascinating too. A specific toast ‘na zdravi’ is said, everyone clinks the mugs together, taps them on the table, and then drinks. It never fails.

My favorite beer here, Kozel, doesn’t taste at all like beer. It’s sweet, not bitter, not overly carbonated, dark, and delicious. It tastes more like bubbly water with chocolate and coffee flavors. I have no idea why they do not export this beer to the U.S., but James assures me it would be not nearly as good if they did. Thus, I have amended my dislike of beer to a dislike of American beer.

It is still crap.

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