Thursday, March 5, 2009

Festival of Europe

I was in a funk today. I think it was a combination of not hearing my husband's voice for a few days, struggling with a new language, caraway bread, and general stick-in-the-mud-itis.
It was raining, but I decided the funk would only get worse if I moped around my hotel room. I bundled up in my North Face (which might as well be an American flag wrapped around my torso) and trudged off to the metro.

I was looking for a vintage shop that I had heard was filled with couture. I instead found "Festival of Europe". It was a huge outdoor concert in the middle of Wenceslas Square surrounded by little carts with food from countries across Europe. I tried cheeses and pastries and hot grog and some weird sausage thing and schnitzel with cream. It was fantastic. The folk dancers swirling around in the rain were working so hard that steam came off of them.

I was drenched by the time I finally found the shop- Retro. It had some really great stuff (Marc Jacob shifts, Chloe capes), but alas I am not built like a European woman. The clothes are still looking for a new home.

I made it back to my hotel, sodden, full, and content. I think sometimes you just have to work yourself out of a funk. Food and beautiful clothes help.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving your blogs! I save it for the end of the day to read and really enjoy following you! Sending lots of love to you...Cindy
